It’s 20 years since we started our care-taking of Sladebank Woods and the journey to build heartfelt community in nature. The love and support we’ve shared with local people, and visitors from around the world, has been remarkable, and we’re looking forward to exciting times ahead.
To help celebrate this milestone we’ve developed our latest project, Heartscape.
We have woven natural threads through the land where friends of Sladebank Woods are invited to hang homemade bunting.
The bunting-making is open to anyone who would like to contribute, and it can be made of anything natural (sticks, leaves, wool) and in any shape. Get creative!
You are invited to come and stitch your bunting onto the threads throughout the wood (hanging tips: you will need to bring a needle and thread or some pegs, or find some thorns on which to hang your bunting). If you live further afield or aren’t able to travel at the moment you’re welcome to post your bunting to us.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved with the woods; Heartscape is one way for us to radiate our gratitude.